Monday, September 1, 2008

Mole Man

If you've ever been to the city, then you know there are those strange days when it rains and rains, and the clouds are pale, and there is a blue tint to the whole city. And even though everything is wet and leaking and streets are nothing more then big puddles, there is an awesome anxiousness in the air. The city seems to be seaped in a nervous twitter, as if something is about to happen, and there is a sharpness to the stranger's eye, and a wonderful scent in the air.

My story takes place on one of those nights. It was Friday night, and at the time I was working as a reporter for the City Herald. I was young, and they had put me on the worst possible assignments -- putting together the police blotters, and if I had a moments of peace, then maybe they would allow me to edit the horoscopes. It was a horrible job, and I looked forward to each Friday night with so much happiness that today it is hard to explain.

As always, my girlfriend Misty would meet me outside the Herald's office. She worked only a few blocks away, and it made sense that we would go home together.

On the subway home, she asked me how my day was. I had an espcially bad day at work that day.

Anyway, it was Friday night in October, and I was heading home from work. Usually I would just go home to my girlfriend, but that night I had an especially bad day at work. On my way home I decided to get off two stops earlier

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